Congratulations on joining Contact List Builder (CLB Learning) and welcome to the Team.

As we requested on the initial Landing Page, if you haven’t already, please make sure to Join WowApp and connect with me. This is important as we use WowApp to communicate as a Team.

Now that you’ve joined CLB Learning, you’ve been moved from my prospects mailing list to my Members List which means you won’t be receiving the 14 Day list Building Challenge emails. So to make sure you have access to the, I’ve included the links to each of the lessons below.

Make sure to read them in sequence as they build from the previous lesson.

As always, should you have any questions, make sure to reach out to me on WowApp.

Lesson 1Your 14 Day List Building Challenge Starts Here

Lesson 2About These Leads…

Lesson 3 – Your First Asset…

Lesson 4Now what?

Lesson 5 –  Little bitta writin’…

Lesson 6Let’s get some leads…

Lesson 7 – Is Blogging dead?

Lesson 8Free television show?

Lesson 9 – Brrrr…It’s getting cold in here!

Lesson 10 – Jumpstart from a cold one PT1…

Lesson 11 – Jumpstart from a cold one PT2…

Lesson 12 – Free to Paid…

Lesson 13 – And Now For Something Completely Different

Lesson 14Crazy 14 days…